Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Infinity Scarf Tutorial

Infinity scarves are my newest fashion fixation.  They are so versatile and effortless – no knot-tying skills required, thank goodness.
For Christmas this year, I made scarves for several of my girlfriends.  They were so easy to make that I thought they would be perfect for my first tutorial.

There are countless tutorials for infinity scarves available on the web, but I’m going to go ahead and post one of my own.  I found that when I was searching for instructions, not many of them had exact measurements, which made it difficult for me to know how much fabric I needed to buy. 

Keep in mind that you can make an infinity scarf out of practically any length or width of material that you have, but for the sake of clarity, I’m giving the exact measurements that I used.

Materials Needed:
Fabric (63” x 19”)
Matching Thread
Hand-sewing Needle
Sewing Machine
Cut a rectangle that is 63 inches long and 19 inches wide.  Since my fabric was 36 inches wide, I simply cut it in half length-wise.

Match up the raw edges on the long side of your fabric and pin in place, right sides together. 

Make one long seam here.  I used a zig-zag stitch because my fabric had some stretch to it.  If your fabric is not stretchy, just use a straight stitch. 

You’ll end up with one long tube of fabric.

Turn the tube right-side-out and match up the two ends of your scarf - line up the seams and pin right sides together.

Arrows indicate seams being matched

Keep pinning the two ends of your scarf together, going in a circle until you can’t pin anymore.  You won’t be able to go all the way around, so don’t worry when you come to a stopping point.

Sew this pinned seam.  I just used a straight stitch here. 

After you’ve sewn as far as you can, you’re left with a small opening of a few inches. 

Fold under the raw ends of your fabric and pin in place.

Slip-stitch the opening closed.

 Voila!  Your stylish infinity scarf is complete!

Over the Holiday break I also started working on my second UFO, so be on the lookout for that post in the next couple of days!

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