Welcome to Thimble & Cork! I created this blog for the sole purpose of finally completing all of my unfinished sewing projects. Seriously! I have a ton! I am a world-class quitter when it comes to sewing. I really have no idea why that is, unless maybe I’m afraid it won’t turn out exactly as I’d hoped, so I put it off until another project comes along and the first one gets tucked away in my sewing room, never to be looked at again. It really is a problem…just to think of all the money spent on fabric and patterns that have been half-used…it’s ridiculous. I am hoping that by documenting all of my projects and the progress that I’ve made on them, I’ll have more motivation to actually finish them.
I am a mostly self-taught sewing enthusiast. Like most home sewers, I learned the basics from my mother as a child, lost interest for a while, and came back to my love of creating as an adult. Once my life settled down after college and marrying my wonderful husband, I realized that I desperately needed some creativity in my life. My analytical-spreadsheet-full-of-numbers job just wasn’t cutting it. So I started sewing again, and I’ve been starting and not finishing projects ever-since. Hah! Ok, maybe it’s not quite that bad. I do finish a lot of projects, but I have far too many UFO’s!
My plan for this blog is to work my way through a list of goals that I have set for myself in this new year – 13 goals for 2013. Obviously the first has to do with the aforementioned forget-me-nots in my sewing room closet. Here’s the complete list of resolutions, which I will also be updating on the next tab throughout the year. I’d love to hear all about your goals for New Year too, sewing related or not, so please share! Here’s to 2013 readers!
My Sewing Goals:
1. Finish all UFO's currently taking up space in my sewing room (as in unfinished objects, not the extraterrestrial kind!)
2. Complete at least two garments per month – this will be a challenge!
3. Learn/use/improve at least one new technique per month.
4. Tackle the things that terrify me: pants, shorts, jacket...
5. Use more of the patterns that I have in my stash.
6. Organize my sewing room.
7. Finally make something out of that beautiful beaded lace that I bought long ago.
8. Focus on building a wearable wardrobe for both work and play.
9. Work through the Craftsy courses that I purchased and haven't had the time to look at.
10. Take the time to improve my finishings.
11. Be more mindful of the cost of my projects and find less expensive alternatives.
12. Document and blog about all of my projects - even the failures!
13. Develop my business idea!!!
I think I can, I think I can!